Jose Branly

Jose Branly

Jose Branly

October 20, 1975~January 28, 2023

José Antonio Branly, 47, passed away January 28, 2023 at his home in Pinellas Park, of a sudden death. Mr. Branly was born on October 20, 1975 in San Juan, Puerto Rico, to María and Rolando Branly. He moved a few times, back and forth, from Puerto Rico to the continental USA, and lived his final years in the Tampa Bay area.

He worked as a truck driver and as a self-employed handy man. He was a talented and creative drawing artist. He lived his life his own way and enjoyed it on his own terms, but was always kind to everyone, humble, with a big, loving heart. He will be sorely missed.

Jose is survived by his wife, his parents, five children, two grandsons and five siblings.

His funeral service will be held at Taylor Funeral Home on Saturday February 11th from 3:00 to 5:00 pm.



Rolando Branly

February 1, 2023, 11:49 am

Your Eternal Father will receive you with the same love that you showed to Him, through all His other children.
Pepe, you were a natural at practicing the First Commandment!

Carmen de Malibrán

February 1, 2023, 12:37 pm

Con todo nuestro cariño. Tus primas, isita, Gonia y Cuqui

Gladys Guarton

February 1, 2023, 12:44 pm

I am so sorry to hear the news. I have only good memories of him: kind, open, ready to help, always with a smile. My condolences to his family for this significant and unexpected loss. Our Universal Father will grant you peace and love, and this in turn should help to comfort all who loved him

Isidoro Santelices

February 1, 2023, 7:53 pm

May the knowledge of your heavenly arrival comfort all your family and specially you your wife children and parents.
Josefina & Isidoro Santelices

Elisabeth Duell-Branly

February 2, 2023, 8:25 am

Through all your years we have loved you, held you,cared for you and prayed for you. You always remembered my birthday and mother’s days. I was very blessed to have you in my home and call you my son. You are one of God’s children now and forever. To all of Pepe’s children and extended family I pray for your comfort and peace. I pray for your courage and strength as you continue through your growth and success in your lives.

Elisabeth Duell-Branly

February 2, 2023, 8:47 am

Through all your years we have loved you, held you, and prayed for you. You always remembered my birthday and Mother’s Day. You brought sunshine and joy into our home. You have always been God’s child now you are in his presence forever. To all of Pepe’s children, his brothers and sisters and all his extended family, I pray for your comfort and peace, and the courage and strength to continue your growth and success.

Melissa conyers

February 2, 2023, 1:37 pm

Baby Jose as you liked me to call you. I’m going to miss you so much I don’t want to say goodbye forever this is the hardest thing I’ve been through, I’m sorry for times I wasn’t happy with you. My life has totally changed I can’t believe I’m never going to see you or talk to you again. I love you so much baby, God I am going to miss you, this is so heartbreaking, God I want you to come back; you just asked me to Marry you and told me we were going to be together forever, this is so unreal I hope in the afterlife we will get to see each other. I’m sorry I love you so much forever can’t wait to see you again; this is breaking my heart having to say goodbye forever Saturday is going to be so hard I don’t know what’s going to happen I love you baby I hope your sitting right next to me right now I love u love always your wife as you would call me Melissa cc

Lori Tihansky

February 2, 2023, 1:50 pm

Jose you were always kind and always ready to lend a hand .. you were good to me and always kind and helpful with junior and then with coco .. Jose , you will be missed .. Rest in peace Jose

The Duell Family

February 3, 2023, 4:34 pm

Rolando and Elisabeth and Maria; our sympathy to you and your families.
There’s an unbroken thread that keeps a family together… It is the fabric woven from love, joys shared, and memories that will live on in the heart forever.
There’s very little we can say, at this difficult time, but we hope you find comfort in knowing that your loved one will always be with you, and the memories you shared will forever be a part of your life.
From all the Duell siblings

Jose cruz

February 3, 2023, 11:58 pm

Para mi mejor amigo, caminamos juntos por 35 años se más de ti q cualquier ser humano en esta tierra y hoy ya hermano no estas ,quiero que sepas q fue un placer haberte conocido y a tu familia. padre, madre y hermanos, hoy camino solo , pero tengo fe q nos encontraremos en el reino, love you bro, hasta la eternidad. JOWY

Marilyn, Bernice y Karla

February 5, 2023, 9:09 am

José Antonio Branly Pérez y como te decíamos en nuestra niñez y adolecía Pepe José… te amamos y te extrañaremos siempre. Que Dios con su gran misericordia te llamo a su lado para darte su paz.
Nosotras tus hermanas Marilyn, Karla y Bernice, te extrañaremos. Nos quedaremos con todos nuestros recuerdos compartidos.

Que Maria madre de Dios te reciba en sus brazos 🕊️

“ Cuando alguien que amamos muere, no hay forma de evitar la tristeza y tener un vacío en el corazón, pero tenemos la paz y el consuelo que ya está junto a nuestro Padre Celestial. “

Siempre estarás en nuestra oraciones. Te amaremos siempre ♥️♥️♥️♥️

María de los Angeles Branly- Marilyn

February 5, 2023, 10:07 am

¡Cómo describir con palabras lo que siento!…después de que mis lágrimas se han secado y he buscado el significado de su partida, puedo decir con certeza que mi hermano, al que tanto amo, vive en la Gloria de mi Dios. Él nunca estará lejos de mí porque su recuerdo vive en mis pensamientos y mi corazón. Siempre lo recordaré como un espíritu libre, amante de la naturaleza y único como sólo él podía ser. Durante estos dias he reflexionado mucho sobre los valores realmente importantes de la vida, esos que José Antonio hacía parte de su día a día y que muchas veces los he pasado por desapercibidos en el transcurrir rutinario de la vida. Es por esto, que su partida, a pesar de ser dolorosa, me ha dejado un rayo de inspiración para vivir cada día con agradecimiento, alegría y fé. Nunca olvidaré a mi amado hermano y sé que en un futuro lo volveré a ver.

María Milagros Perez Rivera

February 5, 2023, 10:55 am

La pérdida de mi hijo, uno de los momentos más difíciles de mi vida. Cómo vivir con este vacío que siente mi corazón, saber que hoy su llamada no recibiré, que su carita traviesa no volveré a ver … esas son algunas cosas que extrañaré de Pepe José. Por siempre atesoraré todos esos momentos de su vida, esos que me dieron alegrías y esos que fueron retantes. Sin dudar puedo decir que él tenía un alma hermosa, era cariñoso, único y especial. Sé que ahora reposa en el regazo del Señor y me consuela saber que su alma está en paz.

Marilyn, Bernice y Karla

February 5, 2023, 7:05 pm

José Antonio Branly Pérez y como te decíamos en nuestra niñez y adolecía Pepe José… te amamos y te extrañaremos siempre. Que Dios con su gran misericordia te llamo a su lado para darte su paz.
Nosotras tus hermanas Marilyn, Karla y Bernice, te extrañaremos. Nos quedaremos con todos nuestros recuerdos compartidos.

Que Maria madre de Dios te reciba en sus brazos

“ Cuando alguien que amamos muere, no hay forma de evitar la tristeza y tener un vacío en el corazón, pero tenemos la paz y el consuelo que ya está junto a nuestro Padre Celestial. “

Siempre estarás en nuestra oraciones. Te amaremos siempre


February 7, 2023, 6:12 pm

José you were one of my best friends. I’ll never forget how special of a person you were to me. You we’re definitely unique. I’ll never forget about you and the memories that we have.. I hope you are up in heaven watching down on us. You loved God and now you are with him. I will never forget about you…LLJ🕊️

Rolando M Branly

February 11, 2023, 1:52 pm

Dear Jose Antonio,

Your Legacy of honoring God. And showing Love above all, now truly begins, for you are alive with the Lord and will be Loved Forever.
We bear witness to this truth through the Father, The Son, and THE HOLY SPIRIT.

Ignacio Perez

February 11, 2023, 5:36 pm

El vacío que Pepe José está dejando tras de sí abarca a todos los que lo amábamos y seguimos amándolo. Su temprana partida nos motiva a reflexionar sobre nuestra propia, efímera existencia. Nos provoca, tal vez, al análisis crítico de nuestras vidas y a evaluar nuestras relaciones humanas. Ya la vida de Pepe ha sido juzgada y su alma está procesando sus lecciones en camino al Infinito. Reflexionemos, entonces, durante este período de luto, sobre las lecciones que individualmente se nos han ofrecido y cómo el superar esas experiencias nos hará más felices a nosotros y a nuestras familias y seres queridos.

Luz Yanaida Pérez

February 12, 2023, 12:18 am

Primo, hoy pude despedirme de ti, con sentimientos encontrados y muchos recuerdos vinieron a mi mente. Solo oro al Señor que puedas descansar en paz, pidiendo también por todos los que quedamos acá en este mundo terrenal. Por tus hij@s, que puedan ser protegidos y guiados por nuestro Padre Celestial. Y por tus padres, herman@s y demás familia para que puedan ser fortalecidos cada día, por tu ausencia. Siempre te recordaremos con amor!

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