When a Death Occurs

If you have just experienced the death of a loved one, know that Taylor Family Funeral Home is ready to assist you in any way we can. Please call us immediately at 727-545-9858 and one of our funeral directors can answer your questions and help guide you through this difficult time.

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What to do immediately when someone dies
  1. Notify the authorities that a death has occurred. If you’re not in a hospital or with hospice care at the time of the death, call 911 immediately so that the death can be legally pronounced.
  2. Arrange for transportation of your loved one by calling Taylor Family Funeral Home and we will arrange transportation to our funeral home.
  3. Schedule appointment with one of our funeral directors by calling us at 727-545-9858.
Death certificate needs and things to do after the funeral

Get multiple copies of the death certificate. The executor and funeral director will need to contact the following agencies, most of which will request at least one copy of the death certificate:

  1. Social Security (800-772-1213socialsecurity.gov) to discuss ceasing benefits, obtaining survivor benefits and Medicare. Veterans Affairs may also be necessary for the cessation of benefits (800-827-1000va.gov).
  2. Health, life, homeowner, automobile and other insurance companies to cease or transfer benefits.
  3. Utility companies to change or stop services.
  4. Employer for pension plans or employment benefits; each separate claim will require a separate copy of the death certificate.
  5. Probate attorney for asset, trust and estate inventory.
  6. Tax preparer to determine if an estate tax return or final income tax returns should be filed.
  7. State department of motor vehicle services to cancel driver’s license.
  8. Bank for safe deposits and remaining accounts; you may be advised to open a new account for the estate.
  9. Deliver the will to the appropriate office for probate.
  10. Notify the post office of the death and the location to which mail should be forwarded. (Going through your loved one’s mail can help you become aware of bills, subscriptions or other accounts or services that should be canceled.)
  11. Notify the police if your loved one left behind a house that will sit vacant, so that they can periodically monitor the home against suspicious activity.

Aftercare resources and grief support

Depending on your relationship with your loved one and the traditional mourning customs of your faith, the weeks and months after a death in the family may be extremely difficult. Be sure to take steps to ensure that you are handling the death in an emotionally healthy way, and know that caring for yourself and allowing others to care for you are part of the healing process.

Grief is natural, personal and has no timetable. It may last for a shorter or longer time than you expect, and it may be coupled with feelings of anger, guilt, emptiness or hopelessness. Whatever your experience, know that there are family and friends all around you who are willing to support you at this time.

It’s hard to know how to handle a death, especially when that person is a close friend or family member. There are things that need to be done—and more than likely you will not have to do them alone. Enlist a support system to lean on. It’s so helpful to have someone to assist with planning a funeral and putting someone’s things in order. It also feels good to have a listening ear and a shoulder to cry on.

A death is near, I have questions.

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