Burial Service Options

We can be found on:

Full-Service Chapel or Church: $3,050

Graveside Service (local): $1,965

Direct Burial (local): $1,320

Whether it’s a green burial or entombment, whether you desire an intricate funeral service or an immediate burial, today’s burial options effectively cater to the diverse needs of families and their wishes to honor a loved one. The burial options have come a long way from its traditional roots, but for many families, it still mainly consists of a visitation at a funeral home, a funeral service, and interment. Though many people are accustomed to this configuration, burial planning can incorporate a range of personal selections and accommodations that give it a new dynamic. Today, burial allows for many creative directions in funeral services and funeral merchandise. Families can find comfort in knowing that cremation and funeral services are available to meet their individual needs and preferences.

When dealing with burial there are some fixed segments that must be recognized. The choice of embalming and the selection of a casket, cemetery, and some sort of service, either elaborate or direct, are very necessary. Additionally, these segments have characteristics that integrate plentiful choices and abundant combinations. The options for a casket alone include a well-defined color, material, and thickness. Cemeteries, as well, vary from one another and cater to different needs. They include family, fraternal, municipal, religious, and private lands and most will require specified burial spaces, monuments, and outer burial containers. Moreover, funeral services could be traditional, personalized, “green,” or held at sea.

Whatever the selection maybe it is our duty to respect the life and honor the memories that are to be expressed at Taylor Family Funeral Home. We will produce a burial option that is appropriate for you and your family and creates a tribute that is unique to your specific desires. We will take the extra step in professional courtesy and polish every personal detail so that needs are taken care of in manner that is to be expected.

Now, the variety of these selections can be quite vast, so, our dedicated staff will strive to make this selection much easier and ensure that people close to the decedent are taken care of. Taylor Family Funeral Home vows to take every step that will fully express their loved one’s moments in life.

A loved one deserves to be remembered forever. Need our service? Call us today: (727) 545-9858

Death Certificate Information

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    Fill out the form, and one of our licensed funeral directors will contact you shortly. He or she will answer your questions to help you make an informed decision.

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